Medical Tape FAQs

  1. How do I purchase Mactac Medical products?
    • Mactac Medical products are sold on a direct basis not through distribution. You can order Medical products by calling customer service at 800-321-0011. Customer service is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern time.
  2. What is the Mactac Medical freight policy?
    • If you use a Mactac core carrier we will ship your order prepaid and charge. If you would like to specify the carrier your order will ship collect.
  3. What is the lead time on Mactac Medical product orders?
    • Lead times are based on type of product ordered, time of order, and order quantities.
  4. Do you have a MSDS for Mactac Medical products?
    • Please click here to download a copy of the standard MSDS.
  5. Does Mactac Medical provide RoHS certification for their products?
    • If you need detailed compliance information please click here to fill out the Contact Us form. It is important you provide the Mactac part number you will be using, your name, company name, address, and a valid fax number. Mactac does not send compliance letters via e-mail. If a valid fax number is not provided we will send the letter via USPS.
  6. What is MVTR and how is it measured for Mactac Medical products?
    • MVTR or Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate represents the amount of moisture that can pass through a material in a given period of time. MVTR is measured in grams / meter2 / 24 hours. The higher the MVTR, the more effectively moisture can be transferred. Mactac offers high MVTR films ranging from 1100-2100 grams / meter2 / 24 hours.
  7. Are Mactac Medical adhesives hypoallergenic?
    • Mactac does not claim that our adhesives are hypoallergenic. To claim that a material is hypoallergenic means that it has a decreased tendancy to provoke an allergic reaction. However, we do claim our adhesives to be non-cytotoxic, non-irritating, and non-sensitizing based on biocompatibility test results conducted by an outside laboratory.
  8. What is "Medical Grade Adhesive"?
    • Mactac medical grade adhesives are designed for applications that come in direct contact with the skin. Our adhesives are biocompatibility tested by an outside laboratory and found to be non-cytotoxic, non-irritating, and non-sensitizing.
  9. Is Mactac a GMP facility?
    • Mactac's transdermal manufacturing facility is compliant to cGMP CFR 211 part 820 and our medical tape manufacturing facility is compliant to ISO 9001:2000.
  10. Are Mactac medical adhesives biocompatibility tested?
    • Mactac medical adhesives are tested according to ISO 10993-5/-10 standards for cytotoxicity, skin irritation, and skin sensitization. To request a copy of the report please click here to complete the Contact Us form. Please reference Biocompatibility Report in the form. Please include the Mactac part number, your name, company name, address, and a valid fax number.  Mactac will not e-mail biocompatibility reports. If a valid fax number is not provided the report will be mailed via USPS.
  11. Do Mactac Medical's rubber-based adhesives contain latex?
    • Typically no, but Mactac requires a case by case analysis and documentation for each product per customer application. To request detailed information on the Mactac product of your choice please click here to fill out the Contact Us form. Please reference Latex in the Product of Interest field. Please provide the Mactac part number in question, your name, company name, address, and valid fax number. Mactac will not e-mail latex reports. If a valid fax number is not provided the report will be mailed via USPS.